Scout Promise

Every Scout is unique, but they find common ground in their shared Scout values, and make a promise to stick by them.

Making a promise when you join the Troop is a way of celebrating these values. Every time a new Scout decides to join, they chat through their promise with their leader before saying it out loud in front of their fellow Scouts.  

The process usually takes place once you’ve had a few weeks to settle in, and is known as being ‘invested’ into Scouts. Usually, the promise ceremony happens in a place you’ve chosen, or in a memorable place that means a lot to the group.

It could be held in your usual meeting place, or it could happen around the campfire, or it could happen on a boat sailing the seven seas. Regardless, it’s a big celebration for all involved, and it’s not uncommon for family and friends to join your fellow Scouts as they cheer you on.

Scouts choose the promise that best suits them. Below is the promise that the 25th Bromley make, as a group sponsored by the St Andrew’s Church, but a full list of options for various faiths are available on the Scout Website.

The Scout Promise

On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best
to do my duty to God and to the King,
to help other people
and to keep the Scout Law.